Get Free Ebook Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

By Januari 20, 2014

Get Free Ebook Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

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Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Get Free Ebook Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

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Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Book Description

A Brain-Friendly Guide to OOA&D

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About the Author

Brett McLaughlin is a bestselling and award-winning non-fiction author. His books on computer programming, home theater, and analysis and design have sold in excess of 100,000 copies. He has been writing, editing, and producing technical books for nearly a decade, and is as comfortable in front of a word processor as he is behind a guitar, chasing his two sons and his daughter around the house, or laughing at reruns of Arrested Development with his wife.Brett spends most of his time these days on cognitive theory, codifying and expanding on the learning principles that shaped the Head First series into a bestselling phenomenon. He's curious about how humans best learn, why Star Wars was so formulaic and still so successful, and is adamant that a good video game is the most effective learning paradigm we have.Gary Pollice is a self-labeled curmudgeon (that's a crusty, ill- tempered, usually old man) who spent over 35 years in industry trying to figure out what he wanted to be when he grew up. Even though he hasn't grown up yet, he did make the move in 2003 to the hallowed halls of academia where he has been corrupting the minds of the next generation of software developers with radical ideas like, "develop software for your customer, learn how to work as part of a team, design and code quality and elegance and correctness counts, and it's okay to be a nerd as long as you are a great one." Gary is also a co-author of Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.Gary is a Professor of Practice (meaning he had a real job before becoming a professor) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He went to WPI because he was so impressed with the WPI graduates that he's worked with over the years. He lives in central Massachusetts with his wife, Vikki, and their two dogs, Aloysius and Ignatius. When not working on geeky things he ... well he's always working on geeky things. You can see what he's up to by visiting his WPI home page at Feel free to drop him a note and complain or cheer about the book.Dave West would like to describe himself as sheik geek. Unfortunately no one else would describe him in that way. They would say he is a professional Englishman who likes to talk about software development best practices with the passion and energy of an evangelical preacher. Recently Dave has moved to Ivar Jacobson Consulting, where he runs the Americas and can combine his desire to talk about software development and spread the word on rugby and football, and argue that cricket is more exciting that baseball.Before running the Americas for Ivar Jacobson Consulting, Dave worked for a number of years at Rational Software (now a part of IBM). Dave held many positions at Rational and then IBM, including Product Manager for RUP where he introduced the idea of process plug-ins and agility to RUP. Dave still laments the days when he use to sit in a cube and write software in the city of London. This is where he believes he cut his teeth writing big insurance systems with nothing but a green screen and a process flow chart. Dave can be contacted at, and if he is not with customers or drinking warm beer with his friends in Boston, he will email you back.

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Product details

Series: Head First

Paperback: 636 pages

Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (December 7, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0596008678

ISBN-13: 978-0596008673

Product Dimensions:

8 x 1.4 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.7 out of 5 stars

85 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#218,479 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Since I'm a software dev that hasn't really taken anything outside of a data structures class as far as computer science stuff goes (I was in electrical engineering for BS and MS), I thought maybe I should buy a couple books and see where I stand. I liked head first ajax, thought i'd give this one and the design patterns one a try, this one was first.The short conclusion is that I think this book, though a bit outdated with java 1.5 or whatever, does get a lot of good points across as far as how to consider design of classes, program layout, and whatever. At the same time, I didn't find it particularly enlightening, like a lot of it just seemed like common sense when it asked me to solve some things, and some things I don't even completely agree with but arguably that's part of the book's ideas it is trying to get across to the reader. It may be too simple for anybody who's done a bit of professional software work (like maybe they'd pick it up on the job or something), but I think it's a constructive book for anybody who maybe can't quite wrap their head around why their code is so spaghetti like or why their objects have serious copy/paste issues or poor reusability/encapsulation or something.I think i'd recommend it to anybody taking computer science in high school level? but then again i didn't take any CS classes in high school so that may be a reach also.

This is one of the texts we used in an introductory course on OOA & D. As with other Head First books, I found this book to be an easy to read and I liked the humor too. This book is pretty much aimed at beginners, so there are no prerequisites really. All examples are presented in Java but those with a different programming background should be able to follow it easily. If you are looking to a short and sweet introduction into OO land, this would be it. We also used Head First Design Patterns text for the latter part of our class. That book in combination with this book will cover enough ground for anyone to start developing software that is not only Object Oriented but also in line with best practices and methodologies. UML is used in this text but the authors don't go too crazy over it - they mention that folks may use UML to the extent they need. Towards the end of the text, the authors have couple of chapters that show the software lifecycle in action and put together a relatively simple example that shows all the steps and they explain how it all speeds up development and delivery life cycles. All in all, it is a text worth reading but certainly not a reference.

It is a great book for everyone who wants to understand how to build great software. It explains all the process since the initial specs until the delivery of the system with the best quality for the customer and for the developers that will have to change the code, too. Every step in this process is well explained and helped a lot in my daily routine as a programmer. This book really teaches practical concepts about Object Oriented Analysys And Design.

Best book on object oriented analysis EVER! And I'm old enough to know! You will be entertained and educated too.

The KISS principle in action. Works through the basics, builds on those and thoroughly covers the "getting started" (i.e. most important) stuff. I love this book and think it should be a part of every developer's library, especially if they want to someday be a software architect.

I have a hard time following the frantic images and dislocated text strewn haphazardly with multiple font choices and sizes. See attached photo.

This is a very good introduction to object oriented design. It goes over some topics that even my object oriented computer science classes didn't cover. If you need an alternate resource to better understand the concepts of object oriented analysis and design, this is the book to give that to you.

In general the "head first" books have been really solid, I think this one falls short a bit in where it takes you.

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